2023 Mommy Makeover Final Treatment: Dermal Filler & Botox

2023 Mommy Makeover Final Treatment: Dermal Filler & Botox

Can you believe we’re coming to the end of our treatment plan with Nilka! It’s been such a rewarding experience for our team seeing her transformation and her excitement. Here we are at her final treatment, a Radiesse Wash and Botox with Nurse Mercedes. 

What is a Radiesse Wash?

We’re glad you asked because it’s a great treatment option! Radiesse Wash is a form of dermal filler, a bio stimulatory filler to be exact, that is effective in tightening skin to improve laxity and texture. 

For Nilka, an area she noticed her ageing most was her neck due to loose skin. This made Radiesse Wash a perfect treatment option to tightening that ageing skin.

If you don’t remember the benefits of dermal fillers or why Nurse Mercedes chose this treatment course you can read Nilka’s second treatment blog post for more detail. The Radiesse Wash is the final treatment in Nurse Mercedes three part treatment plan.

What about Botox?

The finishing touches of Nilka’s treatment plan with Nurse Mercedes was Botox once the Radiesse Wash completed the dermal fillers treatments. 

For Nilka, Botox was prescribed to give her a natural and subtle change. The focus was on her upper face to make her face look smoother.



Are you ready to see the before and after because we are SO excited to show you! The first photo was taken before any treatment and the second was after her final treatment.

Don’t forget to head to our Instagram to see Nilka’s results because they are SO good! Stay tuned because next we’re going to show you the comparison from when we first met Nilka to full effect of her dermal fillers and Botox treatments. Bonus, we’ll break down the cost for you!

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